Ooops, Is It FOSDEM Time Already?
Publish date: February 6, 2011Tags: fosdem mono
I guess it is! As always, FOSDEM is great fun, and once again we had a Mono room with lots of great talks! Especially enjoyed Mark Probst and Jo Shields talks, now I know what happens when the deb folks get a hold on our packages, and why we never get our finalizers called in order in Moonlight!
As for my talk, the important bits were that I didn’t go over the time, nobody snored, and I made sure there were plenty of lolcats! Get the slides here.
Right now I’m watching a very cool talk about the Go language while my laptop is charging plugged in to a very interesting combination of a triple connected to an adapter (stupid third pin on belgium plugs) connected to a power extension. Nothing has exploded yet.